We are an HO modular club. Founded in 2002, our members sought a club with high standards, a high level of member involvement, a minimum of rules, no dues and a dedication to exploring fully the modular model railroad concept.
Membership is kept small, no more than twelve currently. While not an open club, memberships do come open on occasion. Members must make available twelve feet of completed modules, and are expected to participate in all aspects of preparing a club layout for a show. Contact us if interested in membership (when available) or visiting during operating sessions.
Contact: Charlie Crawford, 770-565-1845, acrawford@bellsouth.net
Meetings held at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Piedmont & Canton Rds., Marietta on second Friday of each month. Doors open at 6:30 pm, meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Everyone welcome! Meetings also on Skype.
Refreshments served. Subjects range from prototype to model trains. Field trips.
Contact: Leonard Martin, 954-232-5390, leonardmtn@aol.com.
Web site: www.trainweb.org/gsof/
We are a 100% NMRA Club serving NMRA members in Cobb, Bartow, Paulding and Cherokee Counties of Georgia. Our purpose is to educate, train and develop model railroaders so they can build layouts of their own. We welcome any NMRA member regardless of scale or gauge that wants to improve their skill level. We also provide beginner classes and hands-on construction/skill building events. Visitors may come to check us out once but will be required to join the NMRA to attend further events. A valid NMRA membership card is required for admission, and the meeting is free of charge.
Our meetings are on the third Thursday of every month from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. We meet in Cartersville at the Center Community Center at 682 Center Road, Cartersville, GA 30121. The meeting room is 2 miles from the Hwy 20 exit off I-75, the third Cartersville exit #290.
Contact info;
Howard Goodwin, MMR (President)
Email: horn69@bellsouth.net
Telephone: (770) 363-6451
We are an Athens/Atlanta area association of 20+ men and women who are interested in promoting N-Scale model railroading. The club was formed in 2020 through the merger of two long-standing north Georgia N-scale modular clubs, Athens Bend Track and Metro Atlanta N-Scalers. Our membership area includes Athens, Atlanta, and the surrounding regions. We are an N scale modular railroad (Bend Track & NTrak) club with a Digitrax-controlled Bend Track modular layout that consists of more than 35 modules that assemble into a variety of layout shapes from 16′ x 35′ to 36′ x 54′ for display at regional train shows. In addition, we have a 3200 sq. ft. fixed layout at our clubhouse that is assembled from NTrak modules and custom built sections, and includes many of our Bend Track modules when these are not on our trailer in preparation for shows. The fixed layout includes extensive elevated mountain line trackage, a 5-module, 14 track, 16′ “Staging Yard”, and several smaller yards and industrial siding scattered about the layout. The club hosts running sessions that are open to the public on the first Saturday of every month (unless a show interferes) at our clubhouse in Comer, GA (59 Watson Mill Road). Visit our Club Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/NortheastGeorgiaNScale) to see pictures and videos from both our modular show layout and the fixed clubhouse layout.
If you have an interest in N scale model railroading, this Club is for you. Our members bring extensive experience in every aspect of model railroading. The club holds work sessions at our clubhouse every third Saturday. Members freely offer their experience with various aspects of model railroading to anyone interested during the work sessions.
Meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the fourth Tuesday of every third month by Zoom. Contact the group through Groups.io (https://groups.io.g.NGNSRR) to receive notices of meetings and other club activities.
Contacts: Peter Wood, President, 706-215-3313; Michael Hahn, Treasurer, 706-206-9074; or Gene Jablonski, Secretary, 678-523-9863. Club email address: main@NGNSRR.groups.io
Do you still enjoy the fun of building with LEGO bricks, but at the same time have a passion for running and building train layouts? Then it sounds like the club is for you. If you can play well with others, you are welcome to join us.
Contact: james.trobaugh@ngltc.org
Website: www.ngltc.org
Our club, located in Conyers just east of Atlanta, has a 7.5″ live steam and diesel line and a Gauge-1 line. There are work days, party days, and public ride days.
Web site: https://northgeorgialivesteamers.org/
T-Trak is a table top N scale modular railroad standard which has become very popular in the N-scale world. The NWGA group was founded in 2007. We follow the original standards as published at www.ttrak.org
We run Digitrax DCC, but have incorporated a DC loop into layouts when needed. The group has become mostly inactive due to old age and health issues, but members are still around.
Contact: Jim Nealand casadiego86@gmail.com
We are a 3-rail O-Scale club. Activities include running trains, building layouts, workshops and field trips. We meet monthly on the 3rd Saturday at the Kennesaw Hobbytown USA, where our 25′ x 12.5′ layout is in the entry lobby.
We take our traveling layout to most area train shows. There is nothing like watching the joy and fascination a child has when watching and running a train!
Website: http://www.ogauge.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ogauge/
Contact: clubinfo@ogauge.org
We’re Georgia’s oldest HO scale modular railroad club, chartered in 1993 and specializing in portable, modular railroad design and operations. If you like to run trains but don’t have the room for a layout, or want to learn more about model railroading and need a good way to practice new skills, or you’re a seasoned veteran wanting to run longer trains and mentor others, then modular model railroading may be just right for you!
Modelers of all ages and experience are welcome, and you’re sure to see great trains from old steam to modern diesel running through a wide variety of scenes and settings. Learn how to build your own personal module that combines with others to form a large layout – from design to construction to tracklaying to electronics to scenery to structure building and more. We operate about seven shows a year, and it’s never the same layout twice!
Monthly meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm (third Thursday in November) in the Roswell or Duluth areas. Come to a meeting or visit us at an upcoming show!
Contact: mailcar@northgeorgiamodurail.org
Website: http://www.ngmrr.org/
Georgia’s Official Transportation History Museum and an operation of the Atlanta Chapter, National Railway Historical Society is located just north of the intersection of Buford Highway (US-23) and Pleasant Hill Road with both indoor and outdoor exhibits. Exhibits include freight and passenger cars, steam and diesel locomotives, prototype and scale model, operating and static. Open Chapter meetings with interesting presentations are held on the third Saturday of the month at 5:30PM.
Volunteer to work at the museum – train crew, track maintenance, guide, equipment restoration!
No matter what your interest or skills, the Southeastern Railway Museum offers fulfilling opportunities to get involved. Our dedicated volunteers bring transportation history to life, helping visitors appreciate and understand the cultural, technical, and economic impact of transportation in our region – and they have fun doing it!
Tate Depot Model Railroaders operates out of the historic 1916 L&N Tate Depot. The Club is a Standing Committee of the Tate Depot Train Society, a 501c(3) tax exempt organization. The Society is organized to further the understanding of the roll that railroads played in the development of the marble industry in Pickens County Georgia and to provide education and guidance in the historical preservation of the Tate Depot.
We operate two museum quality model railroads, one HO scale and one N scale, both depicting local railroad operations in the north Georgia area. Regular public open house events occur on the third Saturday each month and are open from 10:00AM until 2:00PM. The Society accepts donations of funds, railroad historical items, and model railroad equipment for the purpose of furthering its goals, and as a means of generating support revenue. Visit our website at: https://tatedepottrainsociety.org
Membership is open to all who are 18 or over (the Club also has an active Youth Group). Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Mineral Bluff Depot. Annual Dues are $125.
Contact: Ron Long by phone at 423-299-3914, or email to tsmri@yahoo.com.
The Vines Garden Railroad is operated and maintained by this volunteer group! Over 1,000 feet of tracks, a 25 foot bridge, tunnels, viaduct, airport, towns and villages. Beautiful garden setting. Open every 1st and 3rd Saturday from 10 AM to 2 PM.
3500 Oak Grove Rd SW, Loganville, GA 30052
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